Thursday, 29 December 2011


Arrived at SANAE today! Home for the next 14months. Hectic!

As soon as the weather cleared this morning they started flying as many passengers to the base as possible. We were on flight two and arrived here around tea-time. We were greeted by some of the Sanae 50 team members who showed us the where's and how's of the base. We were then shown to our rooms, and then had some lunch, pies and pizza, yes please!

After lunch we all put on our cold weather gear and had our outside orientation. They showed us the diesel bunkers, science areas, and smelly.
Often mistaken for something stinky, the smelly is in fact the water ice and snow is shoveled in, and then magically we have water at the base (all the engineeringy parts on how it works is way too complex for my goldfish-attention-span-brain to explain, so we will be attributing the water to magic...)

Before I could even settle into my room, Roger informed me and Braam that we will be joining him and Allister on a CAT train to go fetch the one diesel bowzer that the drivers had left at halfway between us and Neumayer (the German base). The halfway Caboose is about 180km or 12hours drive from the base.
Lets hope I can remember how to drive a Challenger!!

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