Friday, 23 December 2011

AntA baby!!

Oh yes please!! We reached the ice shelf in the early hours of the morning, so we have officially arrived AT Antarctica! The shelf was spotted last night and we had to wait for the Polarstern to leave before we could go 'dock'.

They started offloading some of the cargo this morning, so the Drivers and two of our team members were swung over with the crane to the shelf. Somewhere during the morning we got told that the rest of our team could also go across to the ice to help with the cargo offloading. Everyone was uber excited and we all got dressed in our new shiny snow clothes. While we were getting ready, four of the previous team's members arrived in 2 Challengers and were swung over to the ship. I only saw them for like a minute before we had to go, but holy crap they are hairy!!

We got swung over 2 to 4 at a time in this weird little basket thing hanging from the ship's crane. When I was on the ice Andrew came up to me with outstretched arms, so I thought he wanted to give me a hug or something, but noo, he just tripped me and wrestled me into the snow, throwing ice in my top. So when I undid my dungarees to get the ice out of my shirt he came to 'help' only to chuck a huge hand full of snow IN my pants, the worst part is that he got it like in my undies. I threw him with the snow after I managed to get it out, so atleast he got some bum-snow in the face.

The rest of the day was spent helping to load the cargo onto sledges and tying the containers down etc. They also offloaded a skidoo, so naturally Andrew had to take me for a ride. It was super fast but soo awesome!! 

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