Monday, 16 July 2012


I am a very big non-fan (or whatever the opposite of a fan is) of counting down the days that we have been here and especially the days that we have left, but since people back home and even some here have the tendency to count down the weeks till we are back, and since my science data is labelled in the form of day numbers, its kinda inevitable not to be up to date on how far into the trip we are.

So thanks to maths, an assumption or two, and the Julian calender we have the following:
- days we will be gone from SA ::     23 [days of 2011]
                                                  + 366 [days of 2012]
                                                  + 31 [Jan 2013]
                                                  + 20 [assuming we are back around
                                                           the 20th of Feb 2013]
                                                  = 440
- where we are now :: 15 July = Day 197, and when adding the 23 days of last year we get 220, which makes today pretty much the middle of the expedition.

Of course nature had to announce this too last night with ridiculous aurora and pretty much perfect weather.

And yes, perfect is relative..

So, to all the counters out there, now you are up to speed with where we are at and how long you still have to wait..

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