Saturday, 17 March 2012

First taste of aurora..

Since around the 7th of March our aurora alarm has been going nuts, night and day. The problem though, during the day its light, and lately during the night its either super stormy or really cloudy, either way, you can't see a thing!

Last night we had a clear sky and not much blowing snow, so everyones hopes were high. A couple of us somme stayed up just incase there is aurora, so then we are sure we won't miss it. Around 12ish me and Johan figured we saw something through the lab window, so we kitted up and headed out. To be honest, we weren't sure if it was just lightish clouds or actual aurora till the one 'cloud' was suddenly giving off this bright green color. The feeling was amazing! We stood there staring at it till our eyeballs froze, and then decided to come in and rather watch in the warmth of the base through the windows.
The moon was full, so it was pretty light out, and the rest of the lights were too dim to take pictures, so that was a bit of a bummer.

These are pics some of the S49ers took in their year..

**thanks James for my stolen pics :)

If it felt this awesome to see such a faint aurora, then I can't wait for the actual awesome ones!!

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